• We have been told that phrases such as 'take the lane', 'control the space' are not age appropriate to the typical Level 2 trainee.

    Does anyone have any good tips for an understandable description?

    Thank you

  • Hmm... I always teach them to "take control"! I explain that they're trying to prevent anyone overtaking them and that they're putting themselves in charge briefly.

  • Describe it how it is ' Primary Position' then show them on a diagram, & best of all show them on the road.

  • No need for diagrams.

    They either are riding in a position where they prevent drivers from overtaking in the lane they are using (primary) or where drivers have room to overtake so the allow them to overtake -Secondary . Simple

  • We describe secondary as 1m or 'an arms length' from the curb, which tells other road users ' pass me if it's safe to do so'
    We describe primary as 'in the middle of the lane you are riding in', which tells other road users 'Follow me, it's not safe to pass'

  • I would like to question User comment Level3 , No need foe Diagrams' As part of a child's learning process they listen ,look & practice . We always use a diagram of a Tee Junction to best describe primary position , as you know this position is not always the 'Middle of the lane' as some have stated, its dynamic and is actually the middle of the car or vehicle, try explaining that to a child without a diagram. Suggest a combination of different teaching techniques . I will still continue to use a diagram ..........

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How do you describe the Primary position to a 10 year old?

Posted by Avatar for user63930 @user63930
