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Member since May 2013 • Last active Oct 2014
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    Hey, have been teaching since 2005 and got accredited 2007 for Bikeability, did 6 years with Sustrans schools and young people work and now operate freelance, still rate Bikeability as THE most ethical work in the universe, still teaching alongside other work. Jason- Bournemouth and Dorset

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    1. Many schemes favour set positions for instructors when running manoeuvres, e.g. immediately opposite the junction mouth. While these are generally the optimum positions for instructors, in practice being very prescriptive about positioning can mean that instructors are not always in the best position to deal with situations that arise. The best schemes encourage instructors to position themselves dynamically according to the prevailing conditions and trainees’ abilities. This means that instructors may move position while a trainee rides to optimise their view of the riding or to optimise their management of risk.

    good observation and advice.

    7.Overall, Bikeability schemes we’ve visited so far were selecting sites that allow a suitable degree of challenge and progression during training. The best schemes ensure that training sites provide a suitable degree of challenge for the trainees and the stage of training. They also allow trainees to progress to more challenging environments as their skills increase and help trainees to find practical techniques to master them.
    The best schemes make sure there is a wide range of local training sites that have been risk assessed for their instructors to choose from and give instructors the authority and discretion to move among various sites, dictated by the circumstances on the day of the training and the ability of their trainees.
    One scheme was particularly notable for the quality of its instructors’ dynamic risk assessment, which enabled a productive and challenging session that not only maintained safe boundaries but also extended and reinforced the learning and skill levels of the trainees.

    This certainly dosent say start on roads with no traffic whatsoever.
    as reinforced by point below.

    1. It is encouraging that many schemes are delivering training that embodies the Bikeability ethos of giving people the
      skills necessary to ride on today’s road. The best schemes deliver training in real road environments where trainees
      encounter other road users and use the variety of local road infrastructure available.
      It’s really important that trainees learn to cycle on the infrastructure as it appears in their local area, after all, it’s
      in these conditions that they will be cycling in future. On occasions at Level 2, the prevailing conditions were
      modified for example by using chalked or portable ‘give-way’ lines, temporary road signs to warn other road users
      or by asking trainees to imagine that traffic was approaching and undertake the manoeuvre accordingly. These
      techniques are not appropriate in Bikeability training as they do not prepare trainees effectively for the varied
      situations and circumstances they may find themselves in once training is complete. Trainees must be taught to
      use the local road environment as it is.

    8 bad demos...something that Ive used many times, perhaps simplifying demonstrations to what is being asked takes away the novelty and focuses childrens attention on what theyre supposed to be doing. Will take that on board.

    well written SDG bods
    no where in my area has had QA yet

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    yeah I can embed pictures, does that mean I know what coding means now :/

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    soon be spring, heres a photo of last years last course I ran

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    to avoid the pass/ fail dichotomy of the the happily defunct C.P, (say it quietly)
    I reiterate above point- if the trainee has attended the whole course, give them a certificate that reflects what you have witnessed as observable outcomes, and inform them there is always more to learn.

    Would like to see this online community come alive to evidence the latest news from Bikeability world.

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    new blog post, with thanks to David.

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    Agree with that. It has to be dynamic, level 2 outcomes most definately include taking the lane, primary position. So there isnt a 'normal' theres Primary and secondary,
    Im using the following to teach more able groups as the words are a bit big for year 5s, but will be adding these to any level 3 work-
    ask trainees- what are you doing- right now, where are you on road?
    they are either ' inviting' (meaning inviting others past them, secondary )
    or, 'asserting' (meaning taking the lane, primary)

    this is likely to change, often, especially with urban cycling, its dynamic, aware, quicker than other forms or traffic.
    because we have to be.

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    Yes, agreed. A mini list of points 2.1 up e.g for level 2 would be good,
    showing the level reached during the training.
    at present I copy the whole N.S outcomes and give all trainees a copy of where they achieved up to. Having it on certs would be easier.

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    the local Council is prepared to allow £15 per student, per course, out of the £40 per child their drawing down.
    put simply, 12 x £15 = £180 for 8 hours delivery=worthwhile schedule.

    another way to answer that question outside London Authorities that are paying instructors steady hourly rate-

    not easy.


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    The new age of Bikeability,
    it would good to hear how the scheduling of these visits will happen,
    as March was the start, have schemes been timetabled or is it on a rollling programme of assessment?
