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  • ...and STILL none of the resources are anywhere to be found on the Bikeability professionals site, STILL the stickers, badges, certificates etc are not available to order from the shop on the same site. How can I produce a budget when I don't know how much these are to buy and how can I make sure I am delivering to the appropriate standard when none of the resources referenced in the module guides are available? 7 months we've been waiting going by the note on my post above!

    Also the monitoring site is not yet available for the Sep 16 - Apr 17 part of this financial year, so I don't know what monitoring information is going to be requested for all these new modules. Hopefully our in-house monitoring will have all of the data that is going to be needed but it would be nice to know sooner rather than later so I don't end up going back to schools for more info several months after delivery and frankly looking completely unprofessional.
