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  • Well this is a step in the right direction...

    Dear Bikeability Scheme,

    New Bikeability Plus Delivery Guide

    We are pleased to announce that the new Bikeability Plus Delivery Guide is now available on the Bikeability website at:­/course-management/

    The Guide provides guidance and practical advice to schemes and instructors for delivering all ten Bikeability Plus modules, plus essential information on monitoring etc. It replaces the previously separate Bikeability Plus module descriptions, bringing everything together into one comprehensive document. We are grateful to TABS and Bikeability schemes for their support in developing this material.

    In addition, various supporting information and documents (such as sample letters for parents, schools etc.) are also now available via the same page of the website. Schemes are not required to use these documents in their delivery, but they should provide schemes (especially those that are new to Bikeability Plus) with a useful starting point for the documents they will need to deliver the modules.

    Award materials have been created for specific modules (certificates for Bikeability Balance, Bikeability Fix and Bikeability Learn to Ride, and stickers for Bikeability Balance) which schemes should use in their delivery. These will be available to purchase soon from the online shop - we will let schemes know when these are ready to order.

    Thank you,

    The Bikeability Team
