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  • It is hard to make a continuous (year round) living being a cycling instructor. The work is seasonal - being very busy in the warmer dryer months. Many people in the cycle training business have to supplement income by doing a variety of jobs- not just bike training. Some are in the fortunate position of not having to earn all the time as they have a previous work pension. Some trainers / mechanics manage to get steady work bookings but the bidding wars for contracts has had a knock on effect at the coal face in driving down wages and decreasing the number of hours paid in the day. Its not a secure job ...but then again it could be argued ...what job is ?? Many trainers have had to accept wage drops and are nervous about income levels ...judging on the number of looks at this forum compared to comments ...trainers are often nervous to talk openly about this but if you work in the biz everyone is talks about it.... so the answer is ...not easy ! Some training provider organisations have a regular team that they work with. This is preferable for the bike trainers because they then have a known income and the work is more secure. There are no guarantees for work with the large non contractual organisations. Many people are scared to talk about this as they dont want to rock the boat/lose the existing work they already have ...many feel insecure.


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