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  • Below are notes from a TABS 2014 conference workshop on this issue - thoughts? comments?

    Around 30 people joined the buzz group and raised the following points:
    • A training scheme based on national standards needs national award materials which are consistently used by delivery schemes. The new award materials and guidance on their use were designed to achieve such consistency.
    • The TABS consultation focused on the award materials revealed schemes’ concern that they should remind trainees and inform parents about the training. The summary of outcomes on the certificates attempts to do this.
    • Some schemes feel the wording on the certificates is misleading. It was felt by some that‘At Level X you can’ suggests trainees have passed all the outcomes summarised on the certificate. The summary of outcomes includes optional units which not all trainees do. There is no facility apart from the open space at the back for instructors to show where which outcomes a trainee has not met the outcomes / requires practice / improvement.
    • There was anecdotal evidence that some schemes are continuing to issue their own certificates, and are unhappy that they are unable to modify the new certificates despite recent clarification from the Department for Transport confirming the requirement to use official materials only.
    • Likewise some schemes are reported to still be issuing certificates for achievement, others for participation, others do different things despite recent clarification from the Department for Transport.
    • Pricing - ordering certificates and badges together means some schemes have a proportion of spare badges (for children who participate in but do not achieve the level, and only get a certificate). Some are unaware that certificates and handbooks can be ordered separately.
    Actions subsequently discussed with SDG:
    • revise certificates with changed wording for next print run – expected in the Autumn.
    • change certificate wording
    o replace ‘At level X you can’ with ‘Training at level X covers the following:’
    o clearly indicate optional outcomes on the list
    o add at the bottom 'PTO for instructor notes on outcomes achieved' or “Your instructor will note any areas which need more practice on the back of this certificate”
    • re-issue guidance on use of certificates for participation, badges for achievement, and pricing. Remind instructors they should use the space on the back to note any areas in which trainees require more practice / improvement.
    • remind schemes that they are free to issue any other scheme-branded materials they feel are necessary to support the official award materials
    • ask TABS to comment/consult on the revised certificates and reissue guidance on behalf of the sector endorsing / supporting the official award materials and official guidance on their issue.


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